Saturday, September 29, 2007

Scriptapalooza Script Coverage

If you ever considered getting professional screenplay coverage...

Here's why you should choose Scriptapalooza Script Coverage.
We are considered one of the best coverage services in the industry by
agents, managers, producers and screenwriters.

Your complete script is analyzed - from page 1 to the last page.

A writer can't afford NOT to have his script professionally
analyzed and critiqued prior to submitting it to the
industry for two major reasons: Industry Response and
Script/Writer Development.

INDUSTRY RESPONSE: Getting industry feedback and
industry impression of your work without getting a
"pass" is essential. No matter what the submission
channels it goes through in the industry, it will be
covered by a reader. Prior to going out to the industry
with your script, you want to make sure you are putting
forward the best version of your script possible.
This script is your calling card, your writing sample. It
will get into doors before you do and you want to make
sure it creates opportunities for you.

a professional reader can give the writer as it relates to
their script cannot be found in any screenwriting book.
You may know the basics, but how to apply your story
within that framework is the difference between an
attention grabbing script and one that misses the mark
entirely and is passed over. For a writer setting out to
have a long-term writing career it isn't just about the one
big sale, although that is part of it. It is about being a
fantastic writer and having longevity in the professional
screenwriting world. In order to continue improving, not
only the script, but the writer as well, having your script
get coverage is one of the best steps towards both goals.

We are offering:

Regular Coverage - $175

Development Coverage - $250

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