Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Chic Productions & Management is looking for completed feature-length dramatic scripts that portray stories and/or characters connected to Chinese culture or China, but don't necessarily have to take place there. We are interested in films that are epics, historical fiction or mini-series pilots for TV. The protagonist of the story doesn't have to be Chinese but must have something to do with the culture or people of China or of someone of Chinese descent, and the script must have a strong supporting character. Please indicate the time period of your script in the personal message space provided so we know if it is contemporary or a period piece. Budget has yet to be determined. WG and Non-WG writers may submit. We are a production and management company with credits that include "The Engagement Ring" that aired on TNT.


1. Please go to
2. Enter your email address (you will be signing up for InkTip's newsletter - FREE!)
3. Copy/Paste this code: h4hgfrsru6
4. You will be submitting a logline and synopsis only.

IMPORTANT: Please ONLY submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for EXACTLY.

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