Monday, November 28, 2011

Deadline for Pitch Summit Discount


Hey Michael,

Only 10 days left! December 9th!
The DEADLINE to save $50 on all Summit Passes is almost here! Don’t miss the Friday, December 9 deadline to register and attend the InkTip Pitch & Networking Summit.

Register Now!

See below for an article about the Pitch Summit by journalist Christina Hamlett.

  • Is Your Script Ready For Its Close-up? By Christina Hamlett
  • InkTip Pitch Summit
  • Opt Out
By Christina Hamlett

When you step into the noisy, cattle-call throng of most film pitch festivals, it’s hard not to hear the opening lyrics from A Chorus Line running through your head:
God, I hope I get it!
I hope I get it.
I've come this far, but even so
It could be yes, it could be no,
How many people does he...?
I really need this job.
You start to question whether you’ve worn the right outfit. You stress as you mentally rehearse the spiel you’ve so carefully rehearsed, only to realize that you now can’t remember a single thing past “Hi, my name is—”. You panic that your appointment is just before lunch and the rep is distracted with thoughts about where to go eat. You panic that your appointment is right after lunch and the rep is going to be grumpy from an upset stomach. You freak out that everyone else around you looks so cool and calm and confident because they just know their scripts are potential blockbusters. Is your script that good? You’re now in full crisis mode that this script is the worst thing you’ve ever written and that you really should have stayed up all night finishing that other script you started six months ago about mutant eels…
While the staff at InkTip don't have magic wands to make your angst vanish, they do promise two days of exciting opportunities this coming March to share your work with film industry pros that have the power to make dreams come true. The InkTip Pitch Summit is a natural extension of the unique services they’ve been providing to writers, agents and production companies for over ten years. To date, more than 150 movies have been produced as a result of connections made through its website, magazine and e-newsletters in addition to hundreds more writers that have been hired, repped and had scripts optioned. It’s a track record the company is proud of and it’s now taking things a step further by bringing reps from nearly 300 companies to Los Angeles Airport Marriott on March 30th and 31st to meet talented writers like you in person.
If you’ve attended pitch events in the past, you’ve probably come away with the impression that the sponsors’ goals were not only to shoehorn as many attendees as possible into a room but that any interest in successful outcomes lasted about as long as it took to process the entry fees. Nor were you likely to talk to more than a handful of reps while you were there – a pretty poor return for the investment of transportation, lodging, meals and parking.
This is where InkTip takes a major departure from the herd. For one thing, the event is specifically targeted to writers that have completed a polished, feature-length script. As has been my own experience on either side of the consultation table, too often the glamour of rubbing elbows with industry pros has attracted individuals that don’t know the first thing about writing a screenplay, much less respectfully and efficiently pitching one. This not only limits the amount of quality time available to writers that are committed to their craft but is a turn-off to reps that have to sit through boatloads of copious drivel with a pained smile on their faces. Is it any wonder that their heads are hurting by the time it’s your turn to talk to them? InkTip’s protocol in getting out the word to serious screenwriters has enabled them to attract such a high caliber of representation; they know their five minutes of one-on-one sessions aren’t going to be wasted. The response to this approach has been so fantastic that owner/founder Jerrol LeBaron is expecting at least five feature films to be produced and a slew of options, hires and reps as a result of this one event.

Secondly, writers attending the Summit will be able to pitch 30 different companies on average instead of the 10 or 15 which is customary at other pitching events. InkTip has also ensured that the company reps that will be on hand are actual decision-makers and development execs that read screenplays for a living and not just someone expendable from astudio’s accounting office. Last but not least, follow-up is another important component of this event; InkTip’s commitment to you and your career doesn’t end when these two days are over.
Christina Hamlett

At the typical pitching event, you only pitch 10 to 15 companies and that’s just not enough. We’re focused on getting your scripts sold, so we’re changing the writer / company ratio so you pitch an average of 30 companies in a single day and for about the same price.

InkTip guarantees a 100% refund if you're not completely satisfied with the experience.

This will sell out, so I wanted to make sure had a chance to attend. You can go here to register:

Some of the 500+ companies who are Summit clients:
  • Dream Factory Entertainment | deal with Paramount
  • Little Engine Productions | deal with ABC & Fox 
  • Trancas Int. LP Films | deal with Dimension Films
  • After Dark Films | deal with Lionsgate
  • Bogner Entertainment | deal with Fremantle Media North America
Let me know if you have any questions.

Jerrol LeBaron
CEO, InkTip
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