Thursday, April 14, 2011

Screenwriting Don'ts

  • Don't create a fancy Title page with giant fonts, colored letters, etc. A Title page has title and screenwriter's name(s) in the middle, and your contact information (address, phone number) at the lower right hand.
  • Don't put a quotation on the title page. Most likely, no one but you will care.
  • Don't put a date on your script, or the draft version.
  • Don't put blank pages in the script to set things apart.
  • Don't put a second page with the quotation that tells the theme of your screenplay.
  • Don't do a page of character descriptions and back story. That's a convention from the theater that is inapplicable in Hollywood. If your script doesn't tell that story, you're in trouble.
  • Don't include any illustrations, no matter how cute you think they are.
  • Don't put the script title on the first page of the script.
  • Don't use more than two brads, but use three-hole paper. Brads are used in top and bottom holes only.
  • Don't use colored paper or anything but 20 pound 3 hole punch paper.
  • Don't expect to have your script returned to you. Send it out, let it go. If a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) is specified, include one. Then relax; a lot of people will have sent scripts to the same company.
FROM: "Do's and Don'ts"

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