Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First 10 Pages: 5 Major Rules

At the beginning of a screenplay, you’ve only got about 10 pages to accomplish these five major rules:

  1. Establish the tone/genre (is this a comedy, fantasy, spoof, etc.)
  2. Introduce your main character: interesting, flawed, and if not likeable, at least empathetic… somebody we can hope and fear for.
  3. Clarify the world of the story and the status quo.
  4. Indicate the theme or message (Good vs. Evil, Man vs. Nature, etc.)
  5. Set up the dramatic situation – that is, what the story is going to be about.

So don’t waste time. Never wander. Maximize script economy and get into your story quick – at the last possible moment – so you can move the story forward immediately, while always staying creative with character, world, and situation.


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