Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'Higher Ground' Screenwriter Looks Inward for Story of Personal Faith

"Waiting for Academy Award-nominated actress Vera Farmiga in the Des Moines airport, Carolyn S. Briggs knew her memoir “This Dark World” might be destined for bigger things.

“It was so surreal,” Briggs said. “I was waiting for a movie star to come to my house.”

Briggs, an English professor at Iowa’s Marshalltown Community College, co-wrote the screenplay for Farmiga’s directorial debut, “Higher Ground,” with writer Tim Metcalfe. The film, which opened Friday, is a fictionalized version of Briggs’s life in a fundamentalist Christian community. Farmiga stars as Corinne, a character based on Briggs herself."

SEE: Speakeasy - WSJ

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