Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to get an agent..

If you want an agent or manager, you need to know the rules of that business relationship.

This call will give you the rules, the reality, and the roadmap that will get you in the door and to the point of being a represented writer.
          "This call changed my whole vision, plan, and focus."
            Audrey Jacobs
In this 90 minute teleconference, you'll learn...


  • Strategies that came from over 100 interviews with agents and managers.
  • The fundamentals of landing an Agent or Manager.
  • The four mistakes everyone advises writers to make with agents!


  • The Rules of Engagement with Agents
  • How to be a Great Client


  • 8 Strategies for Landing a Manager or Agent.

What do writers say about this call?

"Really loved the 'practical' tips on obtaining and working with an agent/manager.  Rules of Engagement and the Eight Strategies were the best.  Filled with excellent, practical tips on not just obtaining an agent/manager, but how to work with them."
--Chris Mueller

"I loved the step-by-step process of you leading another screenwriter through to achieving his goal of representation."
--Marla Hayes

Limited to 100 callers

PRICE: Nothing...*except the long distance fees you pay to your own phone company. (Usually around $5 - $8)
TIME: Saturday, January 21 , 2012 at 2pm Pacific

Sign Up for the Conference


Have a screenplay to rewrite?

Want to learn to rewrite your script from someone who has had over 130 students optioned in the last two years? (see evidence here)

Using a professional rewrite process can:
    • Triple the quality of your screenplay.
    • Cause you to win contests.
    • Attract producers to your writing. 

21 Steps to a Professional Rewrite

The more effective your rewrite strategies, the better your script will be. In this two hour teleseminar, I will present strategies to make sure your next rewrite will be your best so far.
"It's the best rewrite class I've taken. I've taken three, one was 2 months, another 2 days and the third six weeks. I learned more high quality tools in two hours with Hal than all of the other courses combined."
-- Kymber Yung,

Best of all, there is no charge.*

Here's some of what we'll cover:
  • A step-by-step process anyone can follow to create a professional level screenplay that will be respected by agents and producers.

  • The #1 Key to Rewriting Success. Change this one thing and rewriting gets so much easier.

  • Three ways to turn ordinary characters into extremely compelling story people.

  • The most important question you must ask to turn dull scenes into dramatic and valuable scenes.

  • The #1 Reason writers won't cut bad scenes. Don't be guilty of this.

  • And 16 other Advanced Strategies for rewriting.
Whether you are entering contests or promoting your script to Hollywood, this call will give you valuable tools for improving your chance of winning and/or selling.
"I have never heard of such a comprehensive step-by-step rewriting process before finding you. I started not to even get on the call because I just found your website a few days before the teleclass. But, boy, am I glad I did!"
-- Dolores Wix

Limited to 100 callers

PRICE: Nothing...*except the long distance fees you pay to your own phone company. (Usually around $5 - $8)
TIME: Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 2pm Pacific
I hope you'll join us.


"Of all the classes and seminars I've taken, this was the most informative and valuable insights I've ever received. And I have been paid well, writing scripts for years.
"Just a note to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was on the teleconference call last night. To say I thoroughly enjoyed it, is an understatement. I really liked the way you went through

I learned more in our call than I did in a weekend seminar "
-- Ed Gillow
"It's the most comprehensive and systematic source of information about the rewrite process that exists."
-- Chuck Loch, Optioned Screenwriter

What is the ProSeries all about?

What successes have the Pro Series Alumni had?

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