Friday, November 30, 2007


The Writers Place is pleased to announce our finalists for the full-length and teleplay/short competitions for May through October 2007. We do confess, this was an extremely difficult decision. There were so many finely rendered scripts in both categories. Selection of the winners and honorable mentions will be even more difficult. Finalist are, in no order of preference:

Full-Length Screenplays:

Actor Cordell – Widow’s Island
Alan Armstrong – Preemptive Strike
Alexandre Moors – Americana
Alexandria Natapoff – The Partnership
Alexia Maura – Blood Lawns
Betty Saarinen – Doraybus, The Story of a Dog
Charlie Brown – Neighborhood Graves
Christopher Bailey – Giants
Christopher Canole – Felix the Flyer
Colin Costello – Bridezilla vs. Deer
Donna Lisa – Toucans of the Amazon
Duba Leibell – Johnny Girl
Frank Brady – Sweeps
Gregory Orr – The Terror Tapes
James Ossi – Ultraviolet Child
Jason Azicri – Lost Weekend
John Adcox – Challeners
Judith Logan – Dying for Emily
Karl Shefelman – The Chicken Hunters
Kathleen Douglass – Mom Jeans
Kevin Kalmes - Vengeance
Kevin Delin – Heat & Hostility
Michael Farrell – The Operators
Michael Wickham – One For the Road
Mike Anka - Profugo
Murray Spitzer – Fortune Cookie
Paul McComas – Unplugged
Phil Ferriere – Silent Killer
Phillip Yow – Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Ralph Lucas – The Writers Club
Ronald Brassfield – Eclipse
Susan Klos - Voices
Trish Feehan – Vial Connection
William Dunbar – Iron Bound

Competition winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mentions) in both the full-length and teleplay/short categories will be announced on January 1, 2008.

Congratulations and good luck to our finalists. To all contestants who were not selected, do not become disheartened. KEEP WRITING!

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