Wednesday, June 15, 2011


GuavaWorld: You can call us a television station for the web, if you'd like. But, we like to think of ourselves as a scrappy upstart focused on bringing quality, cutting-edge programming exclusively to the internet. As a company founded by an 80s baby, our shows have a decidedly Millennial slant; tackling everything from race to gender to sexuality to religion - with humor, candor and generally amazing storytelling. Our in-house production team, The House of Guava (a team of actors, directors, writers, producers, etc.), creates our constantly rotating, (some might say) ADD-esque programming: 9 completely new shows every 13 weeks. No sequels. Each quarter the team focuses on a unique theme to tie all of the shows together. Themes can be as narrow as taking on the world of Alfred Hitchcock or as broad as taking on the world of Sex. As silly as the world of Dr. Seuss or as serious as the world of Slavery. This is our vision. Now, our scrappy upstart is faced with making this vision a reality.

To do that, we need amazing writers for our production team.

GuavaWorld is an extremely competitive and results-oriented work environment. And, since story begins with the writing, our expectations for writers are very high. But, we believe the creative rewards outweigh those small stresses. You be the judge.

Email us as with the subject “Writers” and we’ll send you our PDF booklet entitled, “Are You Sure You Want To Do This?” This should give you more information about Guava, the writing position and (if you’re interested) the application process. For up-to-the-minute details, check us out on Facebook under Guava World.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Whatever. Nothing became of this. I heard they've been doing these ads for several years, leaching up material than doing nothing with it.