Friday, July 22, 2011

Colombia Scripts Wanted

We are looking for completed feature-length scripts set in Colombia or that can be easily adapted to Colombia. We prefer scripts set in Colombia or scripts set in neighboring countries that can be easily adapted; in other words, a script set in Venezuela is acceptable as long as it does not focus on specific landmarks, Venezuelan culture, etc. If not a neighboring country, the story should be a story that stands alone without it being dependent on the country. Ie. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" could've taken place in any country. As far as content, we are open to various genres, however we are not open to scripts dealing with the drug trade.

Budget will not exceed $1 million. WG and Non-WG writers may submit.

We are award-winning producers with two features currently in development. We have access to A-List cast and crew. Note from InkTip: This is for a production company with excellent industry references, which we believe gives them the resources necessary to produce a solid feature.

To submit to this lead, please go to:

Enter your email address.

Copy/Paste this code: v3j8hvj351

NOTE: Please only submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for exactly. If you aren't sure if your script fits, please ask InkTip first.

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