Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ben Wheatley's no-budget film school

"Finding funding to make a film is a chicken-and-egg situation. If you haven't ever made a film, why would anyone trust you to make one? Before I made my first feature, Down Terrace in 2009, I had directed loads of TV comedy and adverts and I wanted to do some drama. My agent explained that no one would let me until I'd made a short dramatic film. I sulked a bit and decided it would be easier to shoot a feature than a short. That was, of course, insane. But insane measures have to be taken when making your first feature. I got together with two friends and we pooled our cash: £2,000 each, £6,000 all told. We didn't want to spend a penny more. So how did we do it?"

SEE: | Film

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