Friday, September 2, 2011

Aliya Curmally’s TOXIC CITY

"My story ‘Toxic City’ is about a living in a place like Mumbai, an over-developed and badly-managed megapolis, and how eventually one has to face up to the consequences of all one’s decisions. It looks at the decisions of a young married couple, a man and a woman looking to start a life together, who buy a ‘dream home’ in a newly developed housing complex only to discover that the promises of the builders are all a big lie – the land was once a landfill which was developed too early and it is still active underground, releasing toxins into their homes which make the residents fall sick and in some cases alter their lives forever. It’s a thriller with a love-story at the core, but it is also about questioning about how much can you let ‘other people’ decide for you how you want to live."


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