Friday, September 2, 2011

Elevated Existence--Martin Sheen asks son to write script

“In many ways, I lost my son on The Camino,” Estevez tells Elevated Existence. “It was something I knew about. When I started as a young writer and fledgling director, I made movies about topics that I really knew nothing about. I realized over time that the old saying ‘Write what you know’ came into play for me with this movie.”
In the movie, Estevez plays the character Daniel, who dies on his first day of The Camino, and Martin Sheen plays his father, Tom. After receiving a telephone call about his son’s death, Tom travels to St. Jean Pied de Port, France, to collect Daniel’s remains. However, his desire to better understand his son and what he was searching for leads him to embark on The Camino himself, carrying Daniel’s ashes, backpack and belongings with him as he takes the 750-kilometer trek on foot. Ultimately, he not only discovers who his son was, but he also discovers himself."

SEE: Free Preview

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