Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nine stages in a writer's life

"6) Early Thirties: Screenwriting! Now this is the answer to my prayers. A lot more fun and so fewer words to actually write. Best idea I ever had to toss it all and move to Los Angeles. Drinking wheatgrass juice, going to pitch meetings. Don't know why I didn't think of this before.

7) Late Thirties: Do you know how many screenwriters there are in Los Angeles? Let me put it this way: it's easier to count the five or six people running around out there without a screenplay tucked under one arm. I am officially back to novels, though I wish I had more time to write these days. I'm lucky to get a paragraph written while the baby's sleeping. You know how that goes. I've woken up napping on my keyboard more times than I care to count."

SEE: The Dedham Transcript

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