Friday, October 14, 2011

Drama Screenplays with Senior Ensemble Cast Wanted

Branding Irons Films, LLC are looking for completed feature-length dramatic ensemble scripts with a principal cast of male seniors (aged 65+). In other words, dramatic scripts along the lines of “12 Angry Men” with high-intensity drama. We are NOT open to sci-fi, romance stories or big comedies such as “Old Dogs.” Instead, we are seeking a quieter, intensity such as e.g. a “12 Angry Men” on a senior golf outing. Again, this should be a male ensemble cast of older seniors. We are NOT looking for a script where there is only one supporting senior character. We realize that narrows it down but we are focused on this specific criteria only.
Budget is open. WG and Non-WG writers may submit.
Our credits include “Path of the Wind.”
To submit to this lead, please go to:
Enter your email address.
Copy/Paste this code: 68k1x3w7um
NOTE: Please only submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for exactly. If you aren't sure if your script fits, please ask InkTip first.

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