Sunday, October 23, 2011

Need a scribe with experience in biopics to co-write

Nashville-based biographer working on a screenplay that requires some ghost-clean up work, I need someone who has successfully sold scripts that have at least gone to DVD, its a work-for-hire gig, but there is a co-write credit involved, and a distribution deal already signed, and the screenplay is on a blues music legend. Please email with a detailed resume if interested in the gig, it pays $400 up front (half down, half upon completion), and I am handling the majority of the dialogue, so am looking for someone well-versed in all the standard screenplay formatting, (camera swoops in here, etc). We'll start work on this the end of next month, so have some time, and will hunt till we find the right scribe. Hope everyone is having a great fall!

Date: 2011-10-17, 10:49PM PDT
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