Thursday, April 19, 2012

Screenplay Requests: 587..

Three more scripts were optioned and another writer was hired through InkTip . .

Kevan Otto Options "Soulmates"
Kevan Otto with All Entertainment found "Soulmates" on InkTip and optioned it from writers Sean Stearley and Chris Miller. This will be Kevan's second project with this writing team since he recently produced another one of their scripts "Lukewarm," which was also found through InkTip. Writers Sean and Chris have both written and directed features before, independently of each other, before teaming up to write scripts together.

Jason Price Options "Farewell Angelina"
Jason Price with Infra-Red Pictures optioned "Farewell Angelina" from Samuel Clark after discovering it through InkTip. Jason's credits include the upcoming "Carmel" starring Josh Hutcherson and Hayden Panettiere. This is Samuel's second option through InkTip.

Elizabeth Fowler Options "Mistletoe & Holly"
Elizabeth Fowler of Clear Pictures Entertainment discovered "Mistletoe & Holly" on InkTip and optioned it from writer Jake Helgren. Jake Helgren, a Texas transplant living in Hollywood, wrote the feature films "Finding Mr. Wright" and "Bloody Homecoming," both of which were scripts optioned through InkTip.

Tony Picciotti Hires Sheri Tor
Tony Picciotti and Jim Haas met Sheri Tor through InkTip and hired her to write their upcoming 9/11 television special titled "After Shock." Tony's credits include the festival award-winning "Beautifully Cruel," which he found on InkTip and was also written by Sheri Tor and featured on the cover of InkTip Magazine.

Yogesh Sharma Discovers Trin Denise
Yogesh Sharma with Dikshant Vision/Digital Academy has produced the short film "Seeing is Believing" written by Trin Denise and discovered on InkTip. Trin is a published author and award-winning screenwriter.

Chris Turner Options "Ticonderoga"
Canadian producer Chris Turner from Ballistic Films optioned John Porter's short script "Ticonderoga," after discovering it on InkTip.The film was shot in HD on the RED Camera and will air on the Bravo! network this Summer.

1) Street Justice Films - Seeking Unique High Concept Comedy Scripts
We are looking for completed feature-length comedy scripts that start out with comedy on the first page and are completely out of the box. Submissions must be for high concept material that can be pitched in a sentence or less, and must be completely non-derivative, i.e. as insane as possible, preferably R-rated, and in the vein of nothing you’ve seen in a comedy movie before. Target audience is the 18-35 demo.
Budget will not exceed $1million. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.
Our credits include “FDR: American Badass.”

To submit to this lead, please go to:

Enter your email address.
Copy/Paste this code: wxhche1gvc
NOTE: Please only submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for exactly. If you aren't sure if your script fits, please ask InkTip first.

2) Scatena & Rosner Films – Seeking Reality Writer for Host Dialogue
We are looking for completed WGA-registered or LOC copyrighted reality-TV treatments. We specifically need someone to write dialogue for a hosted reality series through a major network. So we need host-dialogue writing samples. Please note we will request the script/writing sample if your pitch meets the above criteria and interests us – please do not attempt to submit before we request the script. We just need a pitch, a synopsis for your writing sample, and a resume.
Budget has yet to be determined. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.
Our credits include “180,” which was made from a script we found on InkTip.

To submit to this lead, please go to:

Enter your email address.
Copy/Paste this code: 1q0e60811k
NOTE: Please only submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for exactly. If you aren't sure if your script fits, please ask InkTip first.

3) More Producers Seeking Screenplays and Writers

The Next Preferred Deadline is June 1st.

Subscribe now by clicking here.

Below are more companies seeking scripts, which are available in this week’s Preferred Newsletter (without contact information/credits). To receive the information, the cost is $50 for a four-month subscription (half price if you have a script on the site!).

For more information about the Preferred Newsletter go here:

Company A

We are looking for completed feature-length international thriller scripts, i.e. material in the vein of “Ronin,” “Taken,” the Bourne Franchise, or “The International.” Submissions should be for material specifically set in European cities, and please note we are not interested in material with vague locations/settings that can be “easily adapted to fit.”
Budget has yet to be determined. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company B

We are looking for completed feature-length scripts where all of the story takes place on a tropical island. Submissions can be in any genre as long as the entire story takes place on a tropical island.
Budget will not exceed $10 million. WG and non-WG writers may submit.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company C

We are looking for completed feature-length found footage scripts, meaning material where the story appears to be assembled from footage, i.e. in the vein on “Cloverfield” or “Supernatural Activity.” Please note that we will not request a script as a writing sample without first reading a synopsis.
Budget will not exceed $2 million. WGA or non-WGA writers may submit.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company D

We are looking for completed feature-length narrative drama scripts about a rock band and the tensions within that rock band. Submissions should be for narrative material featuring a fictional rock band, as we are not looking for documentary material.
Budget will not exceed $1 million. Non-WGA writers are preferred at this point in time.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company E

We are looking for completed feature-length Christmas scripts that are suitable for a television audience. Submissions need be for material that is contemporary, family friendly, and which will garner a G or PG rating. Please only submit family based stories, meaning stories about families and featuring family members as main characters, so no fantasy-based material (e.g. no talking reindeer or elves or Santa).

Budget will not exceed $1.5 million. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company F

We are looking for completed feature-length thriller scripts featuring an African American female lead character with a martial arts or acrobatic background. We need material that relies heavily on physical action, and which features an African American female lead. Please note this is for a specific actress, so we are not interested in material that can be "easily adapted to fit."

Budget will not exceed $500K. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

Company G

We are looking for completed feature-length soccer scripts. Scripts submitted can be in the family or sports genres, but either way must be primarily about soccer with a good portion of the film/script taking place on the pitch.
Budget will not exceed $2 million. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.
Our credits include "The Pool Boys” and “American Idiots."

For more information on gaining access to this lead, please see

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